Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I have a ridiculous Chapman adventure to post, but not right now, as Aaron just ran out of noodles and is going to start trying to climb out of his highchair any second now.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Jeremy's Storybook Quilt
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Gone South
Its pretty sad when Winnipeg is south. I must say its not any warmer, but there might be more light, and there's definitely more civilization. I've mostly just been visiting family so far, but I have already indulged in ethnic food, Starbucks lattes and a wander through Chapters. Ahh, civilization.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
In other parenting news this week, Andrew is now obsessed with knights. I don't really mind this, beign a medeival / fantasy junkie myself, but I do get tired of confiscating "swords". I bought a little "How to be a Knight" book from the older kids section of our bookstore, and he found it and started getting us to read it to him. Now he will spout things like, "Oh mommy, you need to get me dressed so I have some proper padding under my armour" or "First Aaron has to be a page or groom before he can be a knight, mommy".
Aaron, on the other hand, is obsessed with dangerous and prohibited things and also telephones. One of his favorite activities is to be carried around the kitchen and talk about which things are dangerous and which are not. We point to the knife "knife, sharp". "ouch" and the oranges "oranges, they're okay" "o-anj", then the pots "ouch?" "only when they are on the stove top. Over here, not hot. Over here, ouch, hot" "ot". I was holding him in one hand while putting rice and water in a pot to cook today, and he kept pointing to the rice and saying "ouch". So I said, Nope you can put your hand in it." and as a joke he kept just touching it with the tip of one finger (like I do to show a cup is hot) and sa ying "ouch" and looking alarmed. I just hope my worse fear is not realized -- a child with Dave's taste for danger and my lack of common sense. We shall just have to watch and pray.
Monday, January 14, 2008
What I've Been Making Lately
Sock Puppet
Sock puppet is mean. He eats everything. He's not allowed to go to church becuse he's too bad for church. He makes annoying sounds that Andrew is not allowed to make ("It wasn't me, mommy, it was Sock Puppet"). He grabs Aaron by the back of the shirt and drags him out of the way. Sock puppet is a big bully.
Now we get to the nearly theological question Sock Puppet presents: Would Anna still have made Sock Puppet if she had known he would turn out to be such a disreputable character?
Saturday, January 12, 2008
New Years' Resolutions
This year, as I was taking stock of my life, I had a flash of insight. This is how my brain works -- it just accumulates bits and pieces of information until it has enough to culminate and recombine into some sort of intuitive brilliance. It happened while I was having a miserable day and had tossed the boys into the sled and was dragging them downtown. I was trying to pick up a few odds and ends to finish off my Christmas present crafts. I was really grumpy because I hadn't done everything I needed to do for Christmas, and my children were driving me mad (thus the sled ride) and all seemed to be in complete disrepair. I realized that what I needed in my life was more joy.
Even the things I was supposed to enjoy -- my children, my little sewing projects, my youth group job -- had become chores. I had set such high expectations for myself and chosen such complicated ways of doing things that I couldn't keep up with my own ambition. I was exhausted because I was staying up late making complex presents for people. I was worn out from trying to entertain my three and a half year old, when I could be teaching him how to play with his brother or with his toys. I was getting frustrated with my housekeeping, but I was expending so much energy worrying and being frustrated that I wasn't actually doing anything about it. So instead of filling my life with joy and peace, I was filling my own life with frustration and anxiety.
So, my new years' resolution is to live my life more joyfully. To make less complex gifts (I always want to make sure that my gifts are interpreted as handmade = thoughtful instead of handmade = cheap, but I don't need to go to quite the lengths that I do), to keep my house clean and organized enough that we can find things when we need them (this means putting things away right away, instead of procrastinating), to get enough sleep so I'm not crabby with the kids, and to take a few moments each night to pray, stretch and write in my journal so that I feel like my spirit is organized and ready to go the next morning. I know these things don't SOUND like most people's definition of joy, but I think they are the pre-conditions that will lead to joy. If I am not carrying around the mental and emotional weight that comes from all this confusion and clutter, I will have room left inside me to be joyful.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
The Lappy has arrived!
Although for some of you a laptop might not be that big of a deal, you must remember that I grew up in a family of computer fanatics. Dave and I are the only Cook-related household that up until now did not have one compuer per adult. My dad had personal computer (a Rainbow, I beleive) in 1984 or maybe earlier, a modem in 1990 and he soups up his computers like other men soup up their cars. I remember he used to get these giant sized computing magazines that he would pour over when I was a teenager, and I always, always used to love looking at the laptops. At that time I was planning on becoming a writer, so it would be an invaluable tool to have a computer with me at all times. I hoped that I would receive one as a graduation from highschool gift, but I got married, so I got my wedding paid for and a sewing machine instead (not that I'm complaining -- I still use that sewing machine and I wouldn't be able to say that about a laptop from 1993). So this Lappy is a fulfillment of a long time dream of mine.
So far I'm pretty happy with the Lappy. I got it for a decent price -- computer, word perfect, router and wireless printe for all under $1000, and about $180 worth of rebates to come back to me soon. It was the only Boxing Day sale computer I could find for under $1000 that had SRAM, which means its actually faster than our desktop computer. And its very pretty and has all kinds of clever Japaneese features (right now I have a bamboo forest as my wallpaper).
Now all I have to do is design and sew up a funky carrier for it so I can lug it around to the park and the local coffee shop and not be worried bringing it in the basement. Hmm . . . off I go to craftster to find some clever laptop carriers.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
I should never subscribe to a magazine
Maybe I should start subscribing to all my least favorite magazines.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Meet the Olives
Here they are climbing off the chair. Their recipients are still at that age where clothes are considred an optional novelty when they are around the house, so I liked the idea of making it look like the dolls' underwear was peeking out.
And this is just a ridiculously cute shot of Aaron. Notice his lovely walking bruises. He had a matching set for the Christmas Eve service. He loves this chair. He will pick an item -- a scrap of cloth or paper, a truck, whatever, and go and sit in his chair and play with it and sing to himself for the longest time. Of course "in" the chair is a relative term -- he stands on the chair, climbs on and off the chair and sits in the chair, all while waving around his objet de jour. Does he really have to become a toddler? Can't he stay like this?
Christmas comes how many times in a year?
Christmas Round Up -- with very askew pictures
A week before Christmas things really got started. Andrew and I made gingerbread cookies
The next day the weather warmed up and we actually managed to have a sucessful ride on the sled. I put my bag in the back behind the little bump, then Andrew leaning on the bag and Aaron leaning on Andrew. This was much more agreeable arrangement for everyone. On the way back Andrew got out and pretended to be a horse and pulled the sled, which was also good.
Here are the boys in their matching sweaters all ready for the Christmas eve service. They managed about 10 min. of the service and then were overwhelmed. They both fell asleep waiting for Dad to be ready to go home.Christmas morning. Andrew was pretty excited about the blocks. He said "NOW I will have enough wood for building!" He loved the chocolate money in his stocking and his robot (I'll post pictures once I'm done the embroidery on them) best, but was pretty happy with the blocks, too. Aaron really liked all the paper. He spend all morning waving it around and shredding it.
Boxing day we had our sumptuous Christmas feast with the Hetkes. I made a very good turkey (if I do say so myself) and a great apple pie, while Sharon supplied veggies and potatoes. A good and delicious time was had by all.
On the 27th I purchased my Christmas present -- a new laptop (hooray!) which means I should be able to post more often without too much collateral damage to our bookshelves and computer cords. I tried to buy locally, but was informed by the guy at the local store that they had sold out of the one I was looking for before Christmas and had not brought in any more since they don't make any money on boxing day anyway. So now I am eagerly awaiting my personal Santa to drop off my present.
So, all in all a sucessful holiday. It was fun making the big meal, having people over and starting and continuing holiday traditions that we can carry on with the boys as they grow. Hope you all had a great Christmas, too.