Monday, September 10, 2007

Status: Sept 9

What I've Been Doing: running Youth Group Campfires, hosting Birthday Parties, setting up a New Sunday School Room, re-making myself with the "Total Mom Makeover", stitching the Kitty Fur shirt into a Little Kitty, making apple butter, and putting together a fantastic day planner binder, dealing with feverish children.

What I've Been Reading: Adorn and Blueprint fall editions, Mom Makeover book, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, the Discipline Book.

What I've Been Making: a stuffed kitten out of Andrew's favorite shirt, a little corduroy bag for Beatrice, and a birthday cake for Andrew.

What I've Been Thinking About: the collective unconcious: does it exist?, quilts, the collapse of early fundamentalist feminist ideals, how to cut milk, cheese, penut butter, chocolate and tomatos out of our diet, how to clean our basement carpet, what to do with all the apples on our tree, wether mangoes will make good jam, how Sharon and I can sneak away to Saskatoon, do I have time to write some creative non-fiction to win the CBC literary awards so I can go to Edmonton and bring home half of Ikea and why am I always so absurdly confident in my own ability to keep up with my latest and greatest schemes?

What's Making Me Angry: the lack of accurate, helpful information and advice available to beginning breastfeeding moms, Saskatchewan parking, my apples all going from not ripe to over ripe in two days, apathy, the imposibility of buying anything in this town that was not made in China, having to drive an hour to find a decent coffee grinder, and the imposibility of waking up before my children.

What's Making Me Happy: fields of wheat, clever things I said this month, getting Richard hooked on StrongBad emails, watching Andrew try to feed Aaron bananas, realizing that my first baby is a little boy and my second baby is trying to walk, seeing my friends after a summer away, my back yard, the Northern lights, the fabric I bought while I was on vacation, the future, my one yellow wall, and the feeling of crawling under my down duvet at night knowing I'll wake up to a clean kitchen and a tidy living room.

What I'm Planning: quilts, youth group, playgroup, house painting and decorating, and a new website for moms. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

mangos make good chutney for curry...just a thought:)

K. said...

busy, busy woman! (not to be confused with a busy-body woman *wink*) Sounds like a busy September.

Love the kitten - very well done. I'm so in awe of people like you who can make things with their hands.

I'd love to hear about the mom makeover. Always looking for a way to make things run better

Sam said...

I would like to see a photo of the Northern Lights sometime. You know life in B.C, no aurora borealis for us.