As usual, I've been using my spare moments to whip up a few little things. First, I finished Morwyn's Christmas / Birthday present. Um, yeah, so its 3 months late. I cut out MR-1 at the same time as I cut out the boys' robots, but then never got the time to sew and embroider her. She sat patiently in a drawer, pinned together, just needing me to sew the two sides of her body together and give her a face and control panel. I think she's quite sweet and charming, overall. Lisa said Morwyn (who is Aaron's age) would like it as long as there were "things to tug on", thus the little orange felt "switches". I love her face, I think if I do any more robots I will do the face like this -- the embroidered eyes are very charming. The embroidery is really gimpy and uneven, and I'm sure Lisa will make fun of me for it, but thats okay, becuase its done and its cute.
I also made these two little pincushions.
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