I just got this out of the library, and I am loving it. I was just browsing for some information on applique, since I have this crazy floor mat project I'm thinking of doing for the boys, and inbetween distracting Aaron from his favorite library activity (tearing books off the shelves) and trying to tune out Andrew's blow-by-blow monologue about the robot book he had just found, I happened upon this. I didn't get much of a chance to look at it, but I noticed that one of the authours has a shaved head and a tatoo and I thought she might be interesting, and the cover quilt is a riff on my favorite Thom Thomson painting, so I took it out.
Wow. John Streicker and Jan Thompson are really cool. Their quilts are totally innovative and fun. This is their "cabin fever"quilt.
Not only backgammon and checkers / chess, but the flying geese on one side are for keeping track of crib and the cicle on the other side is a "generic game board". And there are pockets for checkers, chess, game pieces and cards on the side panel / borders.
You can't see it from this photo, but the comments on the swatches are awesome too. They say things like, "Scraps from a dress that never got hemmed"and "Leftovers from a 1970 polyester project".
Then, ironically, since I'm thinking of making a travel / playmat quilt for the boys, there was this (sorry its sideways):
The tunnel? You can put a train right through it. And its not really clear in my picture of the picture, but that is a hill that the tunnel goes through, and there are bridges in the road and railway for the river to go under, and they work. LIke, you can put a boat under them. Not only that, but they have instructions to attatch a duffel bag to it so it folds up into this neat little package. I want something that also has some "buildings"on it, but I was totally trying to think of ways to make bridges, and the tunnel is way beyond my wildest dreams.
They also have placemats with fortune - cookie type pull tabs, a puppet theatre quilt, a random word / poetry quilt where you can move all the blocks around, and thats only about half the projects. These are the kinds of interesting, innovative quilts I dream of making.
Not only that, but they are Canadian, and since they are published by raincoast, I am assuming they are on the west coast.
That book looks great! And that playmat is fantastic! I have sew roads on bags, but never on a play mat, maybe one day.. Good luck with your project and thank you for your kind comment on my blog!
I just ordered it! It looks amazing- thanks
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