Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Fateful (and much over-blown) Post 325

FINALLY! Here is my celebration of my own verbosity. I would like to thank you, my readers new and old, for actually being willing to read my absurd, wordy, scatterbrained little blog. I really do enjoy writing it, and think of it as being able to go out for "coffee"with you all (since I am sadly lacking in coffee friends around here). Therefore, I thought it would be appropriate to make some coasters.

So, here is what I have lovingly constructed out of an old pair of jeans and some of my favorite scraps:

This is a better view of the colours (no flash, but still under flourecents -- these babies are hot off the sewing machine):

I shall not regale you with the Tale of Four Coasters right now. Suffice it to say that I am keeping my first batch of coasters due to the sheer atrociousness of the workmanship. This set is much nicer and sturdier.
If you would like to receive these coasters in the mail, this is your task. Yes, I will make it simple. Leave a comment on this post and tell me about your favorite coffee or tea mug. I love mugs, and generally don't have any that match because I pick up one or two here and there. My friend Kym and I have a whole philosophy of mugs. At my friend Sharon's house I always get in trouble for using her and Rich's mugs (not just using a mug, but for using THE mug). So describe your favorite mug (or take a photo and post it somewhere and link to it, if you're feeling fancy) and tell me why you love it.
Just a note for those lurkers (hi, Bev and Sharon. Are you still out there, Pete?). If you don't have a blog, write a comment anyway and post it as "annonymous", but leave your name.
I'll put all the names in the hat and allow Andrew to pull one out on Saturday evening, after the dust has settled from the youth group car wash.


K. said...

You, m'dear, are a very talented woman.

I just checked my blog history, and found that I posted the story of my beloved coffee mug last June. Oh, and you left a comment there.

Alas, said lovely mug chipped and was put out to pasture (or more specifically, rot in a landfill). It's replacement isn't all bad, but it's just NOT the same. I still haven't painted the kitchen that shade of orange either.

oh and for the record, if you ever do drive out this way, I make the best coffee in town. Seriously, ask around, it's true.

Sue Cahill said...

My favorite mug - hmm - it is a very large, handmade ceramic mug that is fired with a moose on a deep blue background. My mom, who lives in Vermont, gave it to me for my moose collection. I prefer low mugs, more shaped like soup mugs, then high-sided mugs, I have no idea why.

Anna Michelle Irish said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anna Michelle Irish said...

I've put my mug on my blog. I never get around to commenting much, but I do keep reading, and I do love my mug... I'll have to try sewing some coasters myself. You did inspire me to try some quilting, but comprehensive exams left my first project still uncompleted--it's a quilt for our dog Bella... I really must go by some batting, backing, etc. and finish it.

Anna Michelle Irish said...

p.s. sorry about posting and then deleting my comment, I wanted to add a link to my blog, but couldn't see a way to edit my comment...

Anonymous said...

Well I recently found a new favorite. It's a mug that has Mama Bear from the Bearinstein Bears on it. And it days Mama's Cup. But what I love about it is that it's SO tiny! It looks like a child's cup (which is just my size for a full cup of coffee) and it I'm sure when I have kids or kids visiting they'll have a great joy in stealing it.
*side note*
I always find it amusing to read your entries about sewing because you make it sound like everyone should know about a certain stitch and I haven't a hot clue! But you can sure whip up some cool things!

Jen said...

hey jilly,

My absolute favorite mug is a design by Sandra Boynton and is identical to this one: it has an unruly class and an exhausted teacher and says "The little joys of teaching are without number". I love it best because when I got it, my third grade class was 6 students and they each fit the behaviors/temperaments of the critters on the mug. And some days I felt JUST like that teacher.

I am reassured that I can get a replacement on eBay, even if it costs me an arm and a leg.

Congrats on your 325th post! Hope you all feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Oh, I have a whole heap of favourite mugs. There are 6, in fact, all different but all wedgewood archive china mugs, a bit bigger than a tea cup, and not too huge that you get that tea belly feeling when you drink the whole mug! My absolute favourite one of them all is called rendezvous, and is really old fashioned. They make me feel quite sophisticated and posh (when i am so very not!). And when people come round, it's only the ones I like that get to use them...if you happen upon my house in need of a coffee I'll be sure to let you use one!!! ;)

Kristen said...

I know that I'm too late for your contest, but will describe my mug for you anyway as I believe you would be fiercely disappointed if I didn't. My favorite mug was a gift from my dear friend Taryn. It is baby blue and has a crackly effect all over it. It had a matching coaster which, sadly, has been misplaced somewhere along the hands of time. It is the perfect tea mug (as you know, I'm a tea granny) as it is not too small (most teacups are but a sip). It rounds up perfectly enough to be girly enough that it is clearly my mug, not Jonathan's. I have to admit that I catch myself taking in a sharp breath when I realise that someone else is being served tea with my mug, but then I let it go slowly and realise that the joy of the mug can be shared with my friends.