And THIS box contains crackers . . .
The SURELY this box ought to contain pancakes.
Aaron can not figure out why I won't pull some pancakes out of the box for him whenever he's in the mood. Yesterday after his nap he practically had a tantrum (which is pretty rare for him) becuase I wouldn't get him a pancake out of the box. This morning, again, he jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen calling, "Pamanakaks! Peminakats! Paddadaks!" Fortunately big brother wanted Shreddies, which distracted him long enough to sneak a bowl of cereal in front of him and move the pancake box (leftover from the youth retreat -- I don't "do"boxed mixes for anything) to the back of the cupboard.
Speaking of toddlers, we had our first stitches this week. Four. Right on the head. Andrew tackled him headlong into the corner of a wall, while they were both running at break neck speed. So much for my theory that if I taught them to tackle gently around the waist all would be well . . .
Apparently Aaron has my skin, becuase when we went to get them removed today one had almost entriely grown over. (I gave up on my bellybutton ring after my body repeatedly tried to eat it).
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