The boys and I are on our way to Winnipeg for a week. My niece -- who was my flower girl, incidentally -- is getting married this Satruday. We are all packed up, the boys are anxious and aggrivated because they have to wait until after Andrew's playschool. I am just missing one thing:
Yep. Still no car. Apparently the parts they got (early) were the wrong parts. So then they had to get the right parts ordered in, and now they are still fixing my car. It is supposed to be done by lunch. Which is great, because it is 7 hr to Winnipeg, plus a thousand stops to pee and eat and run around at every park along the way, so I was estimating I would get in at about 10pm if I left right at noon. So now I'm guessing 11? Or midnight?
Ah well. On the bright side, unlike yesterday, it is not snowing today.
The big blue bin is not coming with us. Still, do you think I packed enough?
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