Saturday, November 28, 2009

Creepy Experience

I just had a weird online privacy issue happen today. You might want to read about it, especially if you put a lot of photos up online. You can find it over at Clever Mamas , Kris and I's much neglected (of late) parenting blog.


Kristen said...

Thanks for sharing - really creepy! And thanks for posting, I keep thinking, I need to write something, but I'm blocked

Beck said...

Ugh Jill! That is so creepy! It's actually one of my major annoyances with parents on facebook is that they don't have their profiles listed as private or their photos, and they have up photos of their kids naked in the bathtub, or with a tiny little swim suit on. In today's world there are too many creeps out there for that to be even CLOSE to being safe! Though it's creepy glad they tried to add you, so now that you are more aware.
(oh and I guess that means no baby yet huh?) :P