One woman. Four children. A big city. A lot of fabric. Bring it on.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Oh, Saskatechewan weather, how you mock me.
For three weeks now, it has been warm and there hasn't been any major snow. It has been amazing. Dave is going away to a conference tomorrow, for a whole week, so my friend Kym and her three year old were going to drive up and visit / help for the week. They were planning to drive today.
And so, of course, this happened last night:
Sigh. Its going to be a LONG week. With my luck, one of Andrew's two days of school this week is going to be cancelled tomorrow, too.
We didn't get that much snow here, but it came mixed with icy rain. The roads are mess. I haven't been any wheres in two days. I said the weather would turn horrible THEN baby would decide to come. Looks that's how it's going to happen to! At least it's only a week. And if it's not too cold you can shoo the boys out to play in all that lovely snow. :)
Yessir, that's pretty much what it looked like in Winnipeg by the next day. I am relieved that I decided to heed the advice of what I thought were overprotective friends and actually respect the forecast. Had I seen photos of a warm, sunny Melfort with perfect driving conditions...I may have found myself at this time next year stuck in some snowy ditch with my children, all alone with only endless repetitions of Fred Penner songs to entertain us. Shudder.
Crafty, Christian, sort of Crunchy mom to four children, living in Montreal with my student husband. Obessive quilter, occasional highschool teacher, chronic laundry avoider.
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We didn't get that much snow here, but it came mixed with icy rain. The roads are mess. I haven't been any wheres in two days. I said the weather would turn horrible THEN baby would decide to come. Looks that's how it's going to happen to!
At least it's only a week. And if it's not too cold you can shoo the boys out to play in all that lovely snow. :)
Yessir, that's pretty much what it looked like in Winnipeg by the next day. I am relieved that I decided to heed the advice of what I thought were overprotective friends and actually respect the forecast. Had I seen photos of a warm, sunny Melfort with perfect driving conditions...I may have found myself at this time next year stuck in some snowy ditch with my children, all alone with only endless repetitions of Fred Penner songs to entertain us. Shudder.
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