Hi Jill, I just realised that you post a heck of a lot of pictures on Flikr and has a nice look through. Emma is gorgeous. I love the picture of her at one month. Hope you are doing well :o)
Yeah, i always mean to post everything on my blog that is on flikr, but flikrs drag and drop uploader is a lot easier, so it often has pics of things that i don;t get around to writing a full post about
Crafty, Christian, sort of Crunchy mom to four children, living in Montreal with my student husband. Obessive quilter, occasional highschool teacher, chronic laundry avoider.
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from davenjilly. Make your own badge here.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy your stay in my little slice of cyberspace. I would love to hear what you have to say about anything on my blog. I don't always get around to responding to comments, but I do enjoy the occasional "hello".
Hi Jill, I just realised that you post a heck of a lot of pictures on Flikr and has a nice look through. Emma is gorgeous. I love the picture of her at one month. Hope you are doing well :o)
Yeah, i always mean to post everything on my blog that is on flikr, but flikrs drag and drop uploader is a lot easier, so it often has pics of things that i don;t get around to writing a full post about
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