No? Oh! I made this lovely little quilt for fellow
Clever Mama , Kris. We have this funny habit of bearing children within months of each other. All of our kids have been born within 3 months of each other. Her little girl, Olivia, was 5 weeks premature, and she was in and out of NICU for quite a while. Since she lives so far away, I couldn't do anything to help, so I decided that what I could do was sew a baby quilt and send it as soon as possible. Sew I sewed away, sewing my prayers for Olivia's health and Kris' family's well-being into it as I went. And here was the result. I must say (I know, I almost always say this) its one of my favorite quilts so far. I'm glad I know it went to such an appreciative home.
Here it is all folded:
Here's the back, made in a moment of inspiration on a
particularly dull snowy day :
The full view of the front.
Here it is all crinkled up. This is my first time free motion quilting a whole quilt -- finally worked out what why I was having so much trouble with free motion quilting (but that is for another post). I think it looks great -- just don't look too close, the stitching is a little uneven.
And the binding. It took me a long time to figure out what to bind this in, because the front and back are so different. I ended up choosing these oranges, which looked great, especially when contrasted with these brilliant purples and pinks.
This quilt also fits in with my new year's resolution. I took courage and cut into a bunch of my new fabrics that I had just bought for Christmas, along with some older fabrics I had been hoarding for a long time. And I used a simple pattern that I could finish quickly, instead of getting too complicated, trusting that it would still be loved, despite its simplicity.
So there you go. The quilt arrived at Kris' house pretty quickly, but I didn't hear about it for a few weeks (since the Thank You card, ironically, took 3 times as long to get back to me -- must have got caught in a snow storm). By the time I found out they had it, it had been so long that I never got around to blogging about it.
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